Eleven grants have been awarded through NIFA’s Rural Health and Safety Education Program (RHSE). Approximately $3.8 million was awarded to 11 Land-grant Universities to support rural health projects for individuals and families. Three of the projects will address suicide prevention and mental health in rural communities. Three projects will address opioid and substance abuse/misuse. The remaining five projects address various rural health related challenges. The RHSE program supports community-based outreach education programs, such as those conducted through Human Science Extension outreach that provide individuals and families with information on: the value of good health at any age; increasing individual or family’s motivation to take more responsibility for their own health; rural environmental health issues that directly impact human health; health promotion and educational activities; and training for volunteers and health services providers on health promotion and health care services for individuals and families.
2024 Awardees
- Clemson University
- Colorado State University (2)
- Michigan State University
- Mississippi State University
- Purdue University
- University of Alaska Fairbanks
- University of Hawaii
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Utah State University
- West Virginia University.