The Tribal Colleges Research Grant Program.
The 1994 Land-grant Universities (LGUs) often serve as the primary institution of scientific inquiry, knowledge and learning for reservation communities. This funding allows them to address the questions that matter to these communities, such as protecting reservation forests or monitoring water quality. Projects may help a tribe improve bison herd productivity, discover whether traditional plants can play a role in managing diabetes or control invasive species. The grant’s partnership requirement ensures that other federal and LGU research entities can share resources and knowledge with the newest LGUs.
List of Awardees:
- College of Menominee Nation
- Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture
- Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College
- Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University
- Navajo Technical University (two awards)
- Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College
- Oglala Lakota College
- Stone Child College