The Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grants (BRAG) program supports the development of new information that will assist Federal regulatory agencies in making evidence-based decisions about the effects of genetically engineered organisms on the environment. This program supports investigations of managed and natural environments across a wide breadth of organisms. This year, BRAG supported 8 research awards and 3 conference awards. BRAG is co-administered by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and jointly funded by USDA NIFA, USDA ARS, and USDA Forest Service.
2024 Awardees
- Clemson University
- Infinite Eversole – Specialty Crop Services
- North Carolina State University (2 awards)
- Oregon State University
- Society for In Vitro Biology Incorporated
- University of California, San Diego
- University of Florida
- University of Maryland (2 awards)
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln