Dr. Ann E. Stapleton is a National Program Leader in the Institute of Food Production and Sustainability, Division of Plant Systems – Production, and has extensive interagency collaboration and cross-USDA leadership experience. Dr. Stapleton recently served as a National Science Foundation program officer in the EPSCoR office and co-led NSF’s data education and literacy team, which was responsible for meeting federal data strategy goals. Dr. Stapleton’s research has focused on experimental testing of genotype-environment-phenotype models, quantitative genetics, and breeding systems modeling. She has more than ten years’ experience in development of cyberinfrastructure for biology and has published in computer science, statistics, and biology journals. Dr. Stapleton was elected the Chair of the 2017 Gordon Research Conference on Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, served as the lead for design and approval of a new interdisciplinary professional science master's program in data science, and was honored with the first UNCW Mentor award.
Ann E. Stapleton
National Program Leader
Phone Number
(816) 274-1942
Page last updated: May 4, 2023