Core competencies are used to help state program leadership, supervisors and peer educators (paraprofessionals) achieve success in their respective roles, and to guide hiring, training, and program management decisions. Development and use of core competencies in EFNEP and SNAP-ED began in 2001.
Between 2019 and 2021, a national research team was convened by Susan Baker, Colorado State University to review and update existing EFNEP and SNAP-Ed coordinator, supervisor, and paraprofessional core competencies. Team members included Susan Baker, Leslie Cunningham-Sabo, Karen L. Franck, Janet Mullins, Easter H. Tucker, and Katie McGirr. Also contributing were expert panels of state coordinators, local supervisors, and paraprofessional staff that were recommended. Prepared for Cooperative Extension Service directors/administrators and program staff and funded through a national land-grant university SNAP-Ed assessment, these core competencies supersede previous versions.
State Nutrition Coordinator
The nutrition program coordinator core competencies identify skill sets needed to be a successful state program coordinator. These competencies were developed to help state coordinators identify current strengths and areas for future professional development.Supervisors
The nutrition program coordinator core competencies identify skill sets needed to be a successful state program coordinator. These competencies were developed to help state coordinators identify current strengths and areas for future professional development.
The paraprofessional core competencies identify skill sets needed to be a successful paraprofessional nutrition educator.Archived-Historical Background and Documents
In 2001, a national committee was convened to identify core competencies for state program coordinators under the direction of Larry Jones, Karen Konzelmann, and Wells Willis (former National Program Leaders). Gloria Green facilitated development of these competencies, and Terry Egan created an orientation manual, mentoring handbook, and core competency resource list, using the core competencies as a frame of reference.In 2005, Susan Baker and Meredith Pearson provided leadership, along with Helen Chipman, in developing competencies for paraprofessional staff conducting SNAP-Ed. Also contributing were an expert panel of state coordinators and local supervisors, and paraprofessional staff that they recommended.