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Economics, Markets and Trade

The A1641 Economics, Markets and Trade program area priority within the Agriculture Economics and Rural Communities (AERC) program area supports research on development of theories, methods and applications of agricultural economics. It encourages applications in the following broad areas: agricultural market structure and performance; competitiveness in international trade and domestic markets; agricultural production and resource use; consumer behavior; farm labor and immigration and policy; agricultural policy design and impacts; technology development and adoption; and science and innovation policy.

Program Area Priority Code – A1641
For more information on this Request for Applications (RFA) see Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Foundational and Applied Science Program (AFRI-FAS) RFA Economics, Markets and Trade Key Information

Please adhere to the Funding Opportunity Number (FON), program area priority code, and deadline when submitting.

Program Area Priority ContactDr. Charlotte Tuttle

Page last updated: August 23, 2024

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