NIFA ensures its agency employees and funding recipients, such as state land-grant university partners conducting research and extension programs, comply with Federal and agency civil rights laws, rules, and regulations, which prohibit discrimination in federally assisted programs and employment practices.
NIFA is committed to every employee being treated equitably and fairly. The ARS Office of Outreach, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity (ODEO) handles all the agency’s Title VII employment discrimination complaints for NIFA employees.
The USDA's Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (OASCR), through its Center for Civil Rights Enforcement, processes all formal complaints against various USDA sub-agencies and offices, as well as complaints from persons alleging discrimination in USDA’s federally conducted or federally assisted programs.
The primary purpose of the No FEAR Act of 2002 is to improve Federal agency accountability for violations of the anti-discrimination and whistleblower protection laws related to employment; and to ensure that employees, applicants for employment, and former employees know their rights under anti-discrimination laws and the Whistleblower Protection Act.
More Information about the No Fear Act, including data, annual reports, and resources can be found on the USDA No Fear Act Data Posting.
Land-Grant University Partners
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers. If you believe you experienced discrimination when obtaining services from USDA, participating in a USDA program, or participating in a program that receives financial assistance from USDA, you may file a complaint with USDA. Information about how to file a discrimination complaint is available from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights.
USDA prohíbe la discriminación contra sus clientes. Si usted cree que ha sido discriminado al obtener servicios del USDA o al participar en un programa de USDA o un programa que recibe asistencia financiera Federal del USDA, usted puede presentar una queja (querella) al USDA. La Oficina del Secretario Adjunto de Derechos Civiles le ofrece información sobre como radicar una queja de discriminación.
For more information contact NIFA's Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights.
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