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The purpose of this funding is to conduct agricultural research programs at State Agricultural Experiment Stations in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. insular areas. 

Hatch activities are broad and includes research on all aspects of agriculture, including soil and water conservation and use; plant and animal production, protection, and health; processing, distribution, safety, marketing, and utilization of food and agricultural products; forestry, including range management and range products; multiple use of forest rangelands, and urban forestry; aquaculture; home economics and family life; human nutrition; rural and community development; sustainable agriculture; molecular biology; and biotechnology. Research may be conducted on problems of local, state, regional, or national concern.


There are two types of reporting requirements for these funds:

1) Plan of Work. Each 1862 and 1890 land-grant institution is required to submit every five years a plan of work for their agricultural research and extension formula grants authorized under the Hatch Act, Smith-Lever Act, and Sections 1444 and 1445 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act. For more information on this reporting requirement please visit the NIFA Reporting System page.

2) Financial Reporting. Awardees are required to submit a SF-425, Federal Financial Report annually no later than 90 days after the award anniversary date. The final SF-425 is due no later than 90 days after the termination date of the grant. The SF-425 report is to be submitted through the ezFedGrants system. All questions relating to the SF-425 reports should be directed to the Administrative Contact listed in block 14 of the Award Face Sheet.

Please visit the U.S. Government Publishing Office to view a copy of the Hatch Act.

Program type
Grant Program
Program Specific Resources
FY 2025 Hatch Regular RFA (pdf - 350.59 KB)
Page last updated: January 7, 2025

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