USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture hosted an informational webinar on Aug. 15, 2023 for the FY2023 Agricultural Workforce Training grant program.
The Agriculture Workforce Development grant program (AWT) (A7601) is offered through the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Education and Workforce Development (EWD) Request for Applications. For eligibility and more information, please consult the RFA at
The AWT program area seeks to develop a workforce ready for the field as well as industry jobs in the food and agricultural sector. Through the development of new workforce training programs, or the expansion, improvement, or renewal of existing workforce training programs at community, junior, and technical colleges/institutes, this program will expand job-based, experiential learning opportunities, acquisition of industry-accepted credentials and occupational competencies for students to enable a work-ready labor force for the 21st century. Proposals aimed towards developing baccalaureate or graduate degree programs or pathways towards these degrees are not supported under this program area priority.
Program Contacts: Kendyl Barney at; Carlos Ortiz at
Program page: AFRI Education and Workforce Development Program
Funding Opportunity: Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Education and Workforce Development