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Regional Innovation and Demonstration of Climate-smart Agriculture for Future Farms (CAFF) Informational Webinar

USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) held an informational webinar for the new FY 2022 Regional Innovation and Demonstration of Climate-smart Agriculture for Future Farms (CAFF) program area priority.

This informational webinar provided details about the funding opportunity, which is available through the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative’s Foundational and Applied Science Request for Applications.

The purpose of the CAFF program area priority is to establish an agricultural testbed and demonstration farm for climate-smart agriculture and forestry. The established demonstration farm will incorporate animal, plant, or combined animal and plant production (including aquaculture) systems or forestry systems with advanced precision agricultural technologies to develop and implement climate-smart agricultural or forestry practices that will:

  • reduce emission of greenhouse gases
  • create positive economic, environmental, and social impact
  • address unique regional production systems in the United States.

Program Contacts

  • Adam Wilke, National Program Leader,  Email
  • Bisoondat “Mac” Macoon, National Program Leader, Email
Event Details
Start Date
End Date
Event Type
Technical Assistance

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