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Children, Youth and Families at Risk Professional Development and Technical Assistance Program

General Services Administration Alert

The General Services Administration (GSA)/System for Award Management (SAM) is experiencing delays processing certain private entity registration information for new registrants, updates to existing entity registrations and annual renewals. If you are not able to upload your application in prior to the funding opportunity close date because of issues related to these delays and are still awaiting a response to your pending help desk ticket, then USDA/NIFA will accept your application through the following process. Please note, this process is only valid for the issues noted above and is a one-time occurrence. Additionally, please allow sufficient time for your issue to be resolved prior to using the alternate submission process.

CYFAR marshals the resources of the Land-Grant and the Cooperative Extension Systems so that, in collaboration with other organizations, they can develop and deliver educational programs to youth who are at risk for not meeting basic human needs. These programs provide youth with the skills they need to lead positive, productive, and contributing lives; participating youth make a difference socially. CYFAR-PDTA partnering universities will build connections, competency, and capacity to help communities develop and sustain holistic programs for at-risk children, youth, and families who are under-served and under-represented. CYFAR-PDTA will provide professional development and technical assistance to Sustainable Community Projects (SCP) to ensure continued development and implementation of the CYFAR Sustainable Community program. CYFAR-PDTA, collaboratively through the Extension system, will provide the components of programming, evaluation, technology, and technical assistance.

Dates may vary. Please see RFA for exact details.
Reasonable Accommodation

If you need a reasonable accommodation to access information related to this grant opportunity, please contact the Information Contact listed on this page no later than ten (10) days before the closing date.  If you need a reasonable accommodation for the webinar or event related to this grant opportunity, please contact the event host.

Language Access Services

NIFA offers language access services, such as interpretation and translation of vital information, free of charge. If you need interpretation or translation services, please visit NIFA Language Access Services and request service no later than ten (10) days before the closing date.

1862 Land-grant Institutions
1890 Land-grant Institutions
1994 Land-grant Institutions
Other or Additional Information (See below)
More Information on Eligibility

The University of the District of Columbia

Posted Date
For more Information Contact
Closing Date
Contact for Electronic Access Problems
Funding Opportunity Number
Assistance Listing Number
Estimated Total Program Funding
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement
No Match is Required
Range of Awards
$0 - $850,000
Percent of Applications Funded
Previous Fiscal Year RFA
FY18 CYFAR PDTA Program RFA (pdf - 220.87 KB)

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