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Scholarships for Students at 1890 Institutions (1890 Scholarships)

The purpose of the 1890 Scholarships Program is to provide scholarships to support recruiting, engaging, retaining, mentoring, and training of undergraduate students at the 1890 land-grant institutions, resulting in baccalaureate degrees in the food and agricultural sciences and related fields. The scholarships are intended to encourage outstanding students at 1890 institutions to pursue and complete baccalaureate degrees in the food and agricultural sciences and related fields that would lead to a highly skilled food and agricultural systems workforce.

Dates may vary. Please see RFA for exact details.
Reasonable Accommodation

If you need a reasonable accommodation to access information related to this grant opportunity, please contact the Information Contact listed on this page no later than ten (10) days before the closing date.  If you need a reasonable accommodation for the webinar or event related to this grant opportunity, please contact the event host.

Language Access Services

NIFA offers language access services, such as interpretation and translation of vital information, free of charge. If you need interpretation or translation services, please visit NIFA Language Access Services and request service no later than ten (10) days before the closing date.

1890 Land-grant Institutions
More Information on Eligibility

Applications may only be submitted by the nineteen 1890 land-grant institutions (as identified in the Second Morrill Act; 7 U.S.C. 322 et seq.), including Tuskegee University. Awards will only be made to 1890 land-grant institutions that have a competitive scholarships awards process (see Part IV § B of this RFA, Field 8, b.). Failure to meet the eligibility criteria by the application deadline may result in exclusion from consideration or, preclude NIFA from making an award. For those new to Federal financial assistance, NIFA’s Grants Overview provides highly recommended information about grants and other resources to help understand the Federal awards process. SPECIAL NOTE: Please refer to the Request for Applications (RFA) for pertinent information regarding the following topics: (1) Duplicate or Multiple Submissions; (2) Student Eligibility as Scholars; (3) Supporting Documents for High School Applications; and (4) Supporting Documents for College/Transfer Applications.

Posted Date
For more Information Contact
Closing Date
Contact for Electronic Access Problems
Funding Opportunity Number
Assistance Listing Number
Estimated Total Program Funding
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement
Range of Awards
$500,000 - $500,000
Percent of Applications Funded

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