Search all competitive Request for Applications (RFAs)
Funding Opportunity
Higher Education Challenge Grants Program
Projects supported by the Higher Education Challenge Grants Program will: (1) address a state, regional, national, or international educational need; (2) involve a creative or non-traditional approach toward addressing that need that…
Funding Opportunity
Distance Education Grants for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas
The purpose of this program is strengthen the capacity of Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas to carry out resident instruction, curriculum, and teaching programs in the food and agricultural sciences through distance…
Funding Opportunity
Rural Health and Safety Education Competitive Grants Program
The RHSE program proposals are expected to be community-based outreach education programs, such as those conducted through Human Science extension outreach that provide individuals and families with: information as to the value of…
Funding Opportunity
Veterinary Services Grant Program RFA
The Veterinary Services Grant Program (VSGP) is designed to support education and extension activities and practice enhancement initiatives that will enable veterinarians, veterinary students, veterinary technicians, and veterinary…
Funding Opportunity
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Foundational and Applied Science Program
The AFRI Foundational and Applied Science Program supports grants in six AFRI priority areas to advance knowledge in both fundamental and applied sciences important to agriculture. The six priority areas are: Plant Health and…
Funding Opportunity
Farm Business Management and Benchmarking Competitive Grants Program
The Farm Business Management and Benchmarking (FBMB) Competitive Grants Program provides funds for improving the farm management knowledge and skills of agricultural producers by maintaining and expanding a national, publicly…
Funding Opportunity
Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields Program
The purpose of this program is to support research, education/teaching, and extension projects that increase participation by women and underrepresented minorities from rural areas in STEM. NIFA intends this program to address…
Funding Opportunity
Children, Youth, and Families at Risk Sustainable Community Projects
The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), USDA announces the Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) funding program to improve the quality and quantity of comprehensive community-based programs for at-risk…
Funding Opportunity
Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom Challenge Grants Program
The Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom Challenge Grants (SPECA) program seeks to: (a) promote and strengthen secondary education and two-year postsecondary education in the…
Funding Opportunity
Alaska Native-Serving and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions Education Competitive Grants Program
The purpose of this program is to promote and strengthen the ability of Alaska Native-Serving Institutions and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions to carry out education, applied research, and related community development programs…
Funding Opportunity
Resident Instruction Grants Program for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas and Agriculture and Food Sciences Facilities and Equipment
The purpose of these programs is to promote and strengthen the ability of eligible institutions in the Insular Areas to carry out education within the food, agricultural and natural resource sciences. RIIA projects strengthen…
Funding Opportunity
Smith-Lever Special Needs Competitive Grants Program
Within the states and territories, the Cooperative Extension System has repeatedly served as the trusted community organization that has helped to enable families, communities, and businesses to successfully prepare for, respond to…
Funding Opportunity
Food Safety Outreach Program
The Food Safety Outreach Program will complement and expand the national infrastructure of the National Food Safety Training, Education, Extension, Outreach, and Technical Assistance Competitive Grants Program. The Food Safety…
Funding Opportunity
Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program
The purpose of the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program (BRAG) program is to support the generation of new information that will assist Federal regulatory agencies in making science-based decisions about the effects…
Funding Opportunity
The Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program - Produce Prescription Program
The primary goal and objective of the GusNIP Produce Prescription Program is to demonstrate and evaluate the impact of projects on (1) the improvement of dietary health through increased consumption of fruits and vegetables; (2) the…
Funding Opportunity
Renewable Resources Extension Act - National Focus Fund Projects
The purpose of the grant program is to provide funds for extension projects that have national or regional relevancy. In particular, the program supports extension projects that address emerging forest and rangeland resources through…
Funding Opportunity
Methyl Bromide Transition Program
The Methyl Bromide Transition Program (MBT) addresses the immediate needs and the costs of transition that have resulted from the phase-out of the pesticide methyl bromide. Methyl bromide has been a pest and disease control tactic…
Funding Opportunity
Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative
The Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) seeks to solve critical organic agriculture issues, priorities, or problems through the integration of research, education, and extension activities. The purpose of…
Funding Opportunity
Integrated Research, Education, and Extension Competitive Grants Program – Organic Transitions
The overall goal of the Organic Transitions Program (ORG) is to support the development and implementation of research, extension and higher education programs to improve the competitiveness of organic livestock and crop producers,…
Funding Opportunity
Crop Protection and Pest Management
The purpose of the Crop Protection and Pest Management program is to address high priority issues related to pests and their management using IPM approaches at the state, regional and national levels. The CPPM program supports…
Funding Opportunity
Hispanic-Serving Institutions Education Grants Program
This competitive grants program is intended to promote and strengthen the ability of Hispanic-Serving Institutions to carry out higher education programs in the food and agricultural sciences. Programs aim to attract outstanding…
Funding Opportunity
Capacity Building Grants for Non-Land-Grant Colleges of Agriculture Program
Capacity Building Grants for Non-Land-Grant Colleges of Agriculture Program (NLGCA) Institutions may use the funds: (a) to successfully compete for funds from Federal grants and other sources to carry out educational, research, and…
Funding Opportunity
Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs Phase II
The Small Business Administration (SBA), through the SBIR/STTR Policy Directive, provides policy guidance for these programs. A main purpose of the legislation is to stimulate technological innovation and increase private sector…
Funding Opportunity
Agriculture Risk Management Education Partnerships Competitive Grants Program
The purpose of the Agriculture Risk Management Education Partnerships Competitive Grants Program (ARME) is to educate agricultural producers about the full range of risk management activities. These activities include futures,…
Funding Opportunity
Food and Agriculture Service Learning Program
The purpose of the Food and Agriculture Service Learning Program is to increase the knowledge of agricultural science and improve the nutritional health of children. The program’s goal is to increase the capacity for food, garden,…