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All NIFA Requests for Applications are currently under review. Check back for updates or subscribe to NIFA Funding Opportunities for email updates as they happen.

Below is a list of our competitive RFAs. Use the grant search page to learn more about available grant opportunities.

Funding Opportunity

CYFAR 4-H Military Partnership Professional Development and Technical Assistance

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General Services Administration Alert The General Services Administration (GSA)/System for Award Management (SAM) is experiencing delays processing certain private entity registration information for new registrants, updates to…

Funding Opportunity

Children, Youth and Families at Risk Professional Development and Technical Assistance Program

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General Services Administration Alert The General Services Administration (GSA)/System for Award Management (SAM) is experiencing delays processing certain private entity registration information for new registrants, updates to…

Funding Opportunity

National Plant Diagnostic Network for the Food and Agriculture Defense Initiative

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General Services Administration Alert The General Services Administration (GSA)/System for Award Management (SAM) is experiencing delays processing certain private entity registration information for new registrants, updates to…

Funding Opportunity

Tribal Colleges Extension Program - Capacity Applications

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Tribal Colleges Extension Program - Capacity Applications provides funding to (1) increase Extension program capacity at 1994 Land-grant Institutions; and (2) address special needs, take advantage of important opportunities, and/or…

Funding Opportunity

American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program

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The primary goal of American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program is to ensure improved understanding of and equitable participation in the full range of USDA programs and services among underserved farmers, ranchers,…

Funding Opportunity

Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP) (formerly Extension Indian Reservation Program)

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The purpose of this program is to establish an Extension presence and support Extension outreach on Federally Recognized Indian Reservations and Tribal jurisdictions of Federally-Recognized Tribes. This program seeks to continue the…

Funding Opportunity

Tribal Colleges Education Equity Grants (TCEG) Program

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The TCEG program focuses on development of culturally responsive students and faculty who use students’ backgrounds and identities to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

Funding Opportunity

Agriculture Business Innovation Center at an HBCU Institution

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HBCU Agriculture Business Innovation Center refers to an administrative unit, not a brick and mortar facility.

Funding Opportunity

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institutes

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has advanced tremendously and today promises personalized healthcare; enhanced national security; improved transportation; more effective education, and precision agriculture, to name just a few benefits…

Funding Opportunity

Centers of Excellence at 1890 Institutions (1890 COEs)

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The intent of the 1890 COEs Program is to provide support for Centers of Excellence that were originally established in 2015 in conjunction with the 125th Anniversary of the Second Morrill Act of 1890. The 1890 COEs are hosted by…

Funding Opportunity

Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases

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The program's focus is on both the discovery, as well as on building and testing models that elucidate these principles and processes. Research proposals should focus on understanding the determinants of transmission of diseases to…

Funding Opportunity

Farm of the Future

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Farm of the Future is a competitive grant program that will be implemented by USDA NIFA to establish an agricultural test bed and demonstration site.

Funding Opportunity

Military REACH

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The purpose of the Military REACH project is to provide policymakers, community leaders, educators, youth development professionals, and other helping professionals access to relevant and current research, training, coaching tools. …

Funding Opportunity

Minor Crop Pest Management Program Interregional Research Project #4 (IR-4)

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The purpose of the IR-4 program is to enable the crop protection industry to provide safe, effective, and economical crop protection products for growers and consumers of minor/specialty crops. The crop protection industry cannot…

Funding Opportunity

NSF - NIFA Plant Biotic Interactions Program

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The Plant Biotic Interactions (PBI) program supports research on the processes that mediate beneficial and antagonistic interactions between plants and their viral, bacterial, oomycete, fungal, plant, and invertebrate symbionts,…

Funding Opportunity

Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network

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The purpose of the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN) Program is to establish a network that connects individuals who are engaged in farming, ranching, and other agriculture-related occupations to stress assistance…

Funding Opportunity

Scholarships for Students at 1890 Institutions (1890 Scholarships)

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The purpose of the 1890 Scholarships Program is to provide scholarships to support recruiting, engaging, retaining, mentoring, and training of undergraduate students at the 1890 land-grant institutions, resulting in baccalaureate…

Funding Opportunity

Military Families Learning Network

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The purpose of the Military Families Learning Network is to develop, utilize, and disseminate innovative and effective resources and programming that would support the professional development needs of providers in both the…

Funding Opportunity

Sun Grant Program

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The purpose of the Sun Grant Program (SGP) is to enhance national energy security through the development, distribution, and implementation of biobased energy technologies; to promote diversification in, and the environmental…

Funding Opportunity

Signals in the Soil (SitS)

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Soils are complex living ecosystems that form the foundation of all terrestrial ecosystem services, mediating a myriad of biological, chemical, and physical processes that interact to cycle carbon and nutrients essential for plant…

Funding Opportunity

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) (Joint NSF) Competitive Grants Program

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Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are engineered systems that are built from, and depend upon, the seamless integration of computational algorithms and physical components. Advances in CPS will enable capability, adaptability, scalability…

Funding Opportunity

National Robotics Initiative: 2.0: Ubiquitous Collaborative Robots (NRI-2.0)

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The NRI-2.0 program builds upon the original National Robotics Initiative (NRI) program to support fundamental research in the United States that will accelerate the development and use of collaborative robots (co-robots) that work…

Funding Opportunity

Comparative Genomics Research Program

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The purpose of this Notice is to inform potential applicants that the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is participating, effective immediately, in PAR-17-482 "Comparative Genomics Research Program". NIFA invites…

Funding Opportunity

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program WebNEERS

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The purpose of the EFNEP-WebNEERS cooperative agreement is to: 1) fund the maintenance of security and ease of use of the current Web-based Nutrition Education Evaluation and Reporting System by all users; 2) improve functionality;…

Funding Opportunity

Clearinghouse for Military Families Readiness

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To support the development, translation, and dissemination of comprehensive, scientifically-based information, implementation support, and programming related to the health well-being of Military families.

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