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The 4-H program has addressed healthy food and nutrition since its inception in 1902. In an effort to stem the national health crisis of the 21st century, we must ensure that our nation’s youth and their families learn how to make healthy decisions related to the food they prepare and eat and the behaviors in which they engage.

The goal of 4-H Health and Well-Being programming is to provide developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that promote positive health and well-being for youth and their families. The Division of Youth and 4-H contributes to this goal through two primary efforts.

  1. Co-develop and/or promote learning opportunities that provide youth development professionals the resources to empower youth to take personal responsibility in making positive decisions about their own health. 
  2. Co-develop and/or promote learning opportunities that provide youth development professionals the resources to motive youth to be involved in positive and pro-active family and community health efforts. 

Special Initiative - Human-Animal Health Connections

Every year, sickness occurs from diseases spread between animals and people, or zoonotic diseases. Discover 4-H's healthy approach to zoonotic diseases.


Program type
Emphasis Area Program

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