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The 4-H science program was founded as a way to transfer and translate innovations. These innovations include agriculture, science, human, social and physical sciences, and technology. The 4-H science program works through youth to their families. 

They engage youth as change agents in their communities. This is important because of the increased national emphasis on science, technology, engineering and mathematics in education (STEM). There is also an increasing need for STEM professionals and a scientifically literate society. These needs provided the impetus for 4-H to enhance, elevate and expand our science-related projects and programs.

The current goal of the 4-H Science program is to provide developmentally appropriate, high quality learning opportunities that: (a) foster quality science learning, (b) promote science literacy, and (c) generate interest in science-related education and careers. The Division of Youth and 4-H contributes to this goal through three primary efforts.

  1. Increasing the equitability of youth opportunities for science programming through intentional outreach and partnerships with public and private science programs.
  2. Providing and/or promoting opportunities that inform youth about education and career opportunities in science-related fields.
  3. Providing and/or promoting both long standing and new 4-H opportunities that motivate diverse youth to be involved in quality, experiential science-related learning experiences.​


Program type
Emphasis Area Program

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