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These informal partnerships are based on a mutual agreement for collaborating on a common purpose with no legal agreement in place.

Informal PYD Partnerships with Purpose

Partner(s) Purpose
APHIS, CDC (Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, Center for Disease Control) To facilitate relationships between State Veterinarians, State Public Health Officials, and 4-H staff at the land-grant institutions while assisting them in creating and distributing educational materials related to the prevention of zoonotic diseases.
USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) Collaborating on development of Invention learning modules by land-grant university partners and digital badging.
NIDA (National Institute for Drug Awareness) To support National Drug Facts Week focusing on increasing youth understanding of the science behind drug abuse and addiction
NICHD (National Institute for Child Health and Development) Collaborating on implementation and sustainability strategies for free federal educational materials, specifically Media Smart Youth, by 4-H and other educational programs. Research and evaluation are conducted by land-grant university partners.
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Collaborating on the development of educational materials for youth and youth education staff focused on a trauma informed approach to mental health awareness in youth programs. Research and evaluation are conducted by land-grant university partners.
ASPR (Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response) Collaborating on the development of educational materials for youth and youth education staff related to youth as public health educators and activists for community action.

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