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volunteers work in food bank, courtesy of Adobe Stock

Program Development

EFNEP, the nation’s first federal nutrition education program, has successfully balanced constancy and change to improve the food and physical activity behaviors of low-income families and youth. In 1969, teaching was conducted one-on-one in the home. 

Today, peer educator staff meet with families and youth in a variety of locations and use multiple interactive learning approaches to teach people in the context of their lives.

EFNEP applies a social ecological approach and utilizes both direct education and community engagement strategies to teach, reinforce, and support changes that people are making in their lives. For ongoing success, EFNEP implements evidence based national guidelines, tracks and applies trend data of the nation's changing food and learning environment, and listens to and actively engages with stakeholders. Furthermore, EFNEP coordinators engage with and adopts findings from multi-state research, and works with federal partners and other stakeholders in developing and sharing best practices.

National Guidelines

Trend Data

  • Policy, Systems and Environmental change data (data still being gathered - pending)
  • Technology data (data still being gathered - pending)

Stakeholder Engagement

Multi-state Research and Program Development Projects

Best Practices for Low-income Nutrition Education


Farm bill priority areas
Food Safety, Nutrition, and Health

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