NIFA provides national leadership and support for networks of diagnostic laboratories that contribute to Agricultural Bio-security through the National Plant Diagnostic Network and the National Animal Health Laboratory Network.
National Animal Health Laboratory Network
The U.S. livestock and food sectors, which account for more than $150 billion in annual cash receipts, are under continual threat from outbreaks of foreign and emerging animal diseases. Since 2002, these agricultural assets have been protected in part by the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN), created through the cooperation of the USDA-APHIS Veterinary Service, NIFA, and State and University animal disease diagnostic laboratories. The NAHLN provides a framework for the coordination of federal and state animal disease diagnostic laboratory infrastructure, capabilities, and capacities. For more information on the NAHLN, please contact Dr. Christina Loiacono at APHIS-VS, or the NAHLN Program Office.
National Plant Diagnostic Network
The National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) is a national network of diagnostic laboratories that rapidly and accurately detect and report pathogens that cause plant diseases of national interest, particularly those that could be deemed to be a biosecurity risk. This laboratory network ensures that all participating land-grant university diagnostic facilities are alerted of possible plant disease outbreaks and/or introductions and are technologically equipped to detect and identify pests and pathogens rapidly. The mission of NPDN is accomplished through an effective communication network of regional expertise that uses harmonized reporting protocols to update a national database of pest and disease occurrences.