The Food Safety, Nutrition, and Health (FSNH) program area of the AFRI Foundational and Applied Science Program was established to provide the scientific foundation for addressing public demands for safe and nutritious foods, using a transdisciplinary approach, and to define previously unrealized opportunities for improving food safety, quality and nutrition along the value chain.
Safe, high quality, and nutritious foods are essential for human health and well-being, and their production is critical to the domestic and global competitiveness of American agricultural products, fostering consumer trust and the long-term sustainability of the U.S. agricultural industries. Our nation’s population is more diverse than ever, and consumers continue to demand foods that are nutritious and safe, including those that have not been common in the typical American diet. Consumer interest in novel foods has risen, and to address this need, industry is responding with novel technologies for engineering, manufacturing, packaging, and delivery of foods and food ingredients. Implementation strategies to address obesity and related chronic diseases include increasing physical activity, improving fruit and vegetable consumption, and strengthening communities with behaviors and policies that encourage healthy lifestyles. As the nation’s food systems become more global, vertically integrated, and specialized, the use of data science approaches and advanced analytics will be critical to safeguard foods from intentional or accidental contamination.
Applications in the FSNH program area must address at least one of these priorities:
- Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases
- Food and Human Health
- Food Safety and Defense
- Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance Across the Food Chain
- Novel Foods and Innovative Manufacturing Technologies
Additionally, FSNH funds relevant applications under the following priorities:
- Agricultural Microbiomes in Plant Systems and Natural Resources
- Center for Research, Behavioral Economics, and Extension on Food Loss and Waste
- Critical Agricultural Research and Extension (CARE)
- Data Science for Food and Agricultural Systems (DSFAS)
- Foundational Knowledge of Plant Products
- Nanotechnology for Agricultural and Food Systems
FSNH has also funded interagency research in biomolecular profiles and biomarkers at the National Institutes of Health.
FY 2023 Webinars
Food Safety, Nutrition and Health program Technical Assistance Webinar FY 2023
Funded Projects
- FY2019-FY2021 Funded Projects in A1332 - Food Safety and Defense
- FY2019-FY2021 Funded Projects in A1364 - Novel Foods and Innovative Manufacturing Technologies
- FY2019-FY2021 Funded Projects in A1344 - Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases
- FY2019-FY2021 Funded Projects in A1343 - Food and Human Health
- FY2019-FY2021 Funded Projects in A1366 - Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance across the Food Chain
- FY2019-FY2021 Funded Projects in A1511 - Nanotechnology for Agricultural and Food Systems
- FY2019-FY2021 Funded Projects in A1103 - Foundational Knowledge of Plant Products
- FY2019-FY2021 Funded Projects in A1402 - Agricultural Microbiomes in Plant Systems & Natural Resources
- FY2019-FY2021 Funded Projects in A1541 - Data Science for Food & Systems (DSFAS)
- FY2019-FY2021 Funded Projects in A1701 - Critical Agricultural Research & Extension (CARE)
- Projects Funded under Joint NIH RFAs- Development of Biomarkers of Dietary Intake and Exposure and Food Specific Molecular Profiles and Biomarkers of Food and Nutrient Intake, and Dietary Exposure
More Information
- FY 2021 AFRI Foundational and Applied Science Program Request for Applications
- AFRI Request for Applications Resources
- Funding Opportunities for New Investigators in the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI)
- Food Safety, Nutrition, and Health Farm Bill Priority Areas
- Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition (IFSN) Seminar Series
- Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition
- Food Safety, Nutrition and Health New Investigator Webinar