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The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative has numerous program area priorities in the three Requests for Applications (RFAs) posted each year. Each program area priority has its own deadline(s). 

Information about the program area priority including program contacts, types of projects allowed, and more will be found in Part I, C of each RFA. Letters of Intent (if applicable) and applications must be received at NIFA by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the deadlines listed below for each program. Dates are listed in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Please note that for programs that accept conference grants, LOIs are required for conference grants and must be submitted at least 195 days before the start of the conference. The full Conference Grant application must be submitted, at minimum, 150 days before the start of the conference. Please see Part I, C of the RFA for each program area priority in order to determine if it allows conference grants.

AFRI Deadlines for Fiscal Year 2024

Program Area PriorityProgram Code2024 Application Deadline
AFRI Commodity Board Co-funding TopicsA18118/1/2024
Agricultural BiosecurityA11818/8/2024
Agricultural Microbiomes in Plant Systems and Natural Resources A140210/3/2024
Agricultural Workforce Training GrantsA76019/19/2024
Animal Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics A12018/8/2024
Animal Nutrition, Growth and LactationA12318/8/2024
Animal ReproductionA12118/8/2024
Biorefining and BiomanufacturingA153110/3/2024
Conventional Plant Breeding for Cultivar DevelopmentA114310/10/2024
Critical Agricultural Research and Extension (CARE)A17019/12/2024
Data Science for Food and Agricultural Systems (DSFAS)A154111/14/2024
Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic DiseasesA13448/22/2024
Diseases of Agricultural AnimalsA12218/8/2024
Economics, Markets and TradeA164110/3/2024
Engineering for Agricultural Production and ProcessingA152110/3/2024
Engineering for Precision Crop and Water ManagementA155110/10/2024
Extension, Education & USDA Climate Hubs PartnershipA17219/5/2024 
Food and Agricultural Non-formal Education (FANE)A780112/5/2024
Food and Human HealthA13438/8/2024
Food Safety and DefenseA13328/22/2024
Foundational Knowledge of Agricultural Production SystemsA11029/12/2024
Foundational Knowledge of Plant ProductsA11038/15/2024
Inter-Disciplinary Engagement in Animal Systems (IDEAS)A126110/3/2024
Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance Across the Food ChainA13669/19/2024
Nanotechnology for Agricultural and Food SystemsA15119/19/2024
Environmental and Natural Resource EconomicsA16519/12/2024
Novel Foods and Innovative Manufacturing TechnologiesA13649/26/2024
Pests and Beneficial Species in Agricultural Production SystemsA11129/19/2024
Physiology of Agricultural PlantsA11528/22/2024
Plant Breeding for Agricultural ProductionA114110/10/2024
Pollinator Health: Research and ApplicationA11138/22/2024
Postdoctoral FellowshipsA72019/5/2024
Predoctoral FellowshipsA710110/24/2024
Professional Development for Agricultural LiteracyA75019/12/2024
Rapid Response to Extreme Weather Events Across Food and Agricultural SystemsA1712Accepted on a continuous basis.
USDA Nutrition HubsA172210/3/2024
Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (REEU)A74018/15/2024
Rural Economic DevelopmentA16619/12/2024
Small and Medium-Sized FarmsA16018/15/2024
Social Implications of Food and Agricultural TechnologiesA164210/31/2024
Soil HealthA14019/12/2024
Environmental JusticeA14619/12/2024
Sustainable Agricultural SystemsA92016/6/2024
Sustainable Agroecosystems: Health, Functions, Processes and ManagementA14519/12/2024
Sustainable Bioeconomy through Biobased ProductsA14149/5/2024
Water Quantity and QualityA14119/5/2024
Welfare of Agricultural AnimalsA12518/8/2024


Farm bill priority areas
Animal health and production and animal products
Agriculture economics and rural communities

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