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The answers to these questions may or may not apply to other non-AFRI NIFA grant programs. If you have any questions, contact the national program leader for the program you're inquiring about.

Please also see FAQ connected to Program Areas and Priorities, Applying to AFRI, Project and Grant Types, International Partnerships, and New Investigators.

General Questions

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Generally, AFRI seeks to fund agriculture and food research, education and extension projects. Each of the AFRI Requests for Applications may contain multiple programs, each with their own descriptions, which are described in Part I, C of the RFA. The AFRI Foundational and Applied Science Program contains the most topics with numerous program area priorities in six AFRI priority areas specified in the 2018 Farm Bill, as well as some crosscutting programs that cover more than one priority area:

  • Plant health, and production and plant products
  • Animal health, and production and animal products
  • Food safety, nutrition, and health
  • Bioenergy, natural resources, and environment
  • Agriculture systems and technology
  • Agriculture economics and rural communities

AFRI Requests for Applications (RFAs) may contain multiple programs area priorities described in Part I, C of the RFA. Each program area priority will have information on its specific funding priorities as well as provide Program Area Priority Contacts. Those contacts can answer your questions about the program area priority and its requirements. They can provide advice on general suitability of a proposed topic for the specific program area priority but cannot review your project or application.

We generally give this advice on being a Project Director for more than one application:

While it is not prohibited to do so (either in a specific program priority area or for specific AFRI RFAs as a whole), AFRI programs discourage the same individual from submitting more than one application as lead/first Project Director. Because of the competitive nature of the AFRI program, it is often best to select one project and put the time into writing the strongest application that you can. However, there is similarly no prohibition against more than one grant being given to a single project director, but some program area priorities do have a limit on the number of grants an institution may receive.

For Co-PDs and collaborators, there is also no prohibition on being on more than one project.

All Co-PDs and PDs need remember to include all the pending applications in their Current & Pending form to confirm that they would have enough time to work on all of them if all the listed applications receive awards.

AFRI uses a peer review process for its grants. You can find general information about peer review at NIFA in this fact sheet and information specific to AFRI peer review guidelines is found in the AFRI Review Criteria (found in the Attachment list on AFRI RFA Resources).

Related Information

The links below direct you to relevant information located across NIFA's website.

Page last updated: September 9, 2024

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