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General Eligibility

Eligibility for applying to AFRI grants is linked to requested project type(s) for each program area. You can find the project type listed for each program in the program area descriptions by reading through Part I, C of AFRI Requests for Applications. Using that information, you can determine your eligibility using the information in Part III, A of the RFA. In general, single-function projects (research, education, or extension) have the broadest eligibility.

Request for Applications

Getting email notices about newly posted or modified Agriculture and Food Research Initiative grant opportunities from requires an account. To sign up to receive notices about AFRI, follow these instructions:

  1. If you do not have a account, you can register for free by clicking the Register link in the top-right corner of the page. (Go to Step 6 if you already have an account.)
  2. Click the Get Registered Now button on the Register page and complete both the Contact Information and Account Details sections. All fields with a red asterisk (*) are required.
  3. Click the Continue button and then click the Send Temporary Code button. 
  4. Access your email account to access the temporary code, enter the temporary code you received into the Temporary Code field and click the Continue button.
  5. Decide if you would like to add a profile to your account (not required for subscribing to alerts) or click the Continue button to log in.
  6. Go to the Subscribe to Saved Searches page. (You will need to log into your account if you are not already logged in.)
  7. Click on the Add Saved Search >> button.
  8. Fill-in the Saved Search Name with anything you’d like such as AFRI and under BASIC SEARCH CRITERIA for CFDA fill-in “10.310” (without the quotes). You can leave the rest of the fields as they are and click on the Save button at the bottom.
  9. Your saved search subscription will now be listed under “My Saved Opportunity Searches.” If there are any newly posted AFRI opportunities, you will receive an email notice from “” sometime after midnight of the day it is posted. If you wish to unsubscribe in the future, login to, go to the Subscribe to Saved Searches page, and click on the “Delete” link for your AFRI search.

This will get you email notification of all AFRI RFAs being posted, both new postings and modifications of existing ones. The RFAs and their program area priorities may change from year to year, so reading through Part I, C of the RFA is always advisable for figuring out what area your project may fit into. 

We also keep the AFRI Request for Applications page updated with information on upcoming RFAs and their expected or actual publishing dates as information becomes available.

Letters of Intent

Information on what is required in a Letter of Intent can be found in the AFRI Letter of Intent Instructions (found in the Attachment list on AFRI RFA Resources). These instructions are only relevant to specific program areas that require a letter of intent as specified in the description for each program area priority in Part I, C of AFRI Requests for Applications. The RFA for your particular program area may have additional information about what the LOI should contain.

Page last updated: July 19, 2024

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