The CenUSA Bioenergy partnership is led by Iowa State University and is investigating a Midwestern system for producing biofuels and bioproducts using perennial grasses grown on marginal lands.
The system improves agricultural sustainability as the perennial grasses reduce nutrient runoff and increase soil carbon sequestration.
CenUSA is an eight institution network that promotes region-enhancing ecosystem services growing switchgrass and other perennial grasses on marginal lands and buffers bordering traditional row crop production for the production of advanced transportation fuels and biobased products.
CenUSA works with farmers and landowners to study how an economically and environmentally sustainable feedstock supply chain may be developed, providing feedstock to processors while creating important ecosystem services like reduced erosion and nutrient runoff and preserved biodiversity. Since 2012, CenUSA's system approach has made important contributions to these goals, laying the groundwork for a sustainable, regional system for biofuels and bioproducts. For an overview of their accomplishments see Creating a Sustainable Biofuels and Bioproducts System for the Midwest.
For more information, visit their website.