Led by the University of Florida, the Southern Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata (SPARC) is working to commercialize carinata as a cool season crop in the Southeastern United States.
SPARC is a collaboration of regional land grant universities, 1890 institutions, and industry partners represented by subject matter experts in basic and applied research, extension and outreach and workforce development. The three pillars of research, extension and workforce development work collaboratively to achieve their five-year goal of establishing over 800,000 acres of carinata as a viable winter crop in the Southeast US, resulting in a carinata centered advanced renewables and coproduct supply chain in the region with national and global impact.
Over 50 researchers from the region are testing thousands of carinata varieties to optimize yields, early maturity, cold tolerance, and disease resistance. Industry partners are working with the University teams to develop a sustainable supply chain with the goal of deploying a mature industry ready to purchase the carinata grain produced by farmers in the region.
For more information visit the SPARC website.