Community and other partners are critical to EFNEP’s success. EFNEP reaches people in the context of their lives. Coordination and collaboration with community partners strengthens available support systems to enhance participants’ success.
Extensive networking and cooperation with other agencies and organizations increases program reach and educational opportunities. Alignment with other non-profit, public, and federal nutrition programs extends reach and opportunities for change.
NIFA works with Federal partners to coordinate efforts, disseminate best practices, and increase the reach and opportunities for nutrition education among people with limited financial resources. NIFA employs a shared leadership model with its university partners to address national priorities in ways that work locally and reinforce fidelity and consistency in programming. NIFA encourages program/research partnerships to strengthen the science-base for EFNEP and other nutrition education programs. Similarly, universities utilize their Cooperative Extension network within the Land-grant University System and with public and private partners to ensure successful programming in local communities.
- The Supplemental Nutrition Education Program - Education (SNAP-Ed)
- Regional Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Centers of Excellence (RNECE)
External Resources