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Community Food Projects Competitive Grant Program (CFPCGP)

The CFPCGP is intended to bring together stakeholders from distinct parts of the food system and to foster understanding of national food security trends and how they might improve local food systems. Understanding that people with low incomes experience disproportionate access to healthy foods, projects should address food and nutrition security, particularly among our nation’s historically underrepresented communities. CFPCGP projects are to include food insecure community members in the planning, designing, development, implementation and evaluation of activities, services, programs, and policies to combat food and nutrition insecurity; and to address underlying causes and factors related to hunger.

CFP Purpose and Priorities  

The CFPCGP projects are to be designed to require a one-time contribution of Federal assistance to become self-sustaining and meet short- and long-term goals. Applicants are required to address two or more of the CFPCGP goals that best fit the plan or project being proposed to ensure a comprehensive and sustainable approach to resolving food and nutrition security and hunger. 

Short term goals:  

  1. Meet the food needs of food-insecure individuals through food distribution.
  2. Develop community outreach to assist in participation in Federal nutrition assistance programs.
  3. Improve access to nutrient dense food as part of a comprehensive service. 

Long term goals:

  1. Develop long-term sustainable projects that increase the self-reliance of communities in providing for the food needs of the community.
  2. Develop long-term projects that promote comprehensive responses to local food, food access, farm, and nutrition issues.
  3. Meet specific State, local, Tribal, Territory, or neighborhood food and agricultural long term needs including needs for equipment necessary for the efficient operation of a CFPCGP project.
  4. Develop a comprehensive plan for long-term solutions to food and nutrition security.
  5. Develop long term projects that lead to the creation of innovative marketing activities that mutually benefit agricultural producers and income-eligible consumers.

The Program Purpose Priorities listed above inform the evaluation section Part V.B. of this RFA. NIFA encourages pursuing these priorities listed above through application of Traditional Knowledge in collaboration and consultation with Tribal Nations and Indigenous Peoples if consistent with the project goals and priorities. NIFA also encourages applicants to highlight proposed project plans that emphasize food and nutrition security, nutritional quality, environmental stewardship (e.g., food loss and waste, climate), culturally sensitive food and/or food practices.

Additionally, NIFA encourages projects that serve underrepresented communities, such as tribal communities, communities of color, women, individuals with disabilities, Veterans, rural and remote communities, insular areas, or communities with residents predominantly living under the Federal poverty line.

The CFPCGP is directly aligned with the following: USDA Strategic Plan FY 2022-2026: USDA Strategic Goal 4: Make Safe, Nutritious Food Available to All Americans; Objective 4.1; Increase Food Security Through Assistance and Access to Nutritious and Affordable Food. USDA Science and Research Strategy, 2023–2026 priority: Priority 3: Bolstering Nutrition Security & Health

Grant Types

  • Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA)

    This grant type is not included in 2025-2026 Fiscal Years' Funding Opportunities. The T&TA award is up to $250,000 in any single year or $1M in 4 years. No matching of funds is required. The T&TA provider is expected to offer a one-stop service to CFPCGP applicants requesting technical assistance.
  • Planning Projects (PP)

    PP purpose is to complete plans toward the improvement of community food security in keeping with the primary goals of the CFPCGP. Award minimum is $25,000 up to $50,000, over 12-36 months, with 1:1 matching required.
  • Community Food Projects (CFP)

    CFP purpose is to support the development of projects with a ONE-TIME infusion of federal dollars to make such projects self-sustaining. Award minimum is $125,000 in any single year, and maximum of $400,000 over four years, with 1:1 matching requirement. Program evaluation required.

Applicant Information

  • Applicants for the CFPCGP must meet all the eligibility requirements stated in this RFA and provide qualifying documentation to support their eligibility for this program at the time of application. Failure to meet the eligibility criteria by the application deadline may result in exclusion from consideration or preclude NIFA from making an award.
  • Individuals and for-profit entities are not eligible to apply for this program.
  • For those new to Federal financial assistance, NIFA’s Grants Overview provides highly recommended information about grants and other resources to help understand the Federal awards process. 

To be eligible for a grant under 7 USC 2034, CFPCGP, a public food program service provider, a tribal organization, or a private nonprofit entity, including gleaners, must 

  1. have experience in the area of[1]
    1. community food work, particularly concerning small and medium-sized farms, including the provision of food to people in communities with low incomes and the development of new markets in communities with low incomes for agricultural producers;
    2. job training and business development activities for food-related activities in communities with low incomes; or
    3. efforts to reduce food and nutrition insecurity in the community, including food distribution, improving access to services, or coordinating services and programs;
  2. demonstrate competency to implement a project, provide fiscal accountability, collect data, and prepare reports and other necessary documentation;
  3. demonstrate a willingness to share information with researchers, practitioners, and other interested parties; and
  4. collaborate with one or more local partner organizations using one or more action steps proposed by Congress to achieve a “hunger-free communities' goal

Definition of Private Non-Profit: “Private Nonprofit entities” are defined as any nongovernmental corporation, trust, association, cooperative or other organization which: 

  1. Is operated primarily for scientific, educational, service, charitable, or similar purposes in the public interest.
  2. Is not organized primarily for profit; and
  3. Uses its net proceeds to maintain, improve, and/or expand its operations. 

Acceptable Evidence: The following documents can be used as proof of Private Non-Profit eligibility. 

  1. A copy of a currently valid Internal Revenue Service tax exemption certificate.
  2. A statement from a state taxing body, State Attorney General, or other appropriate state official certifying that the applicant organization has a non- profit status.
  3. A certified copy of the organization’s certificate of incorporation or similar document that clearly establishes private non-profit status.
  4. Any of the above proof for a state or national parent organization and a statement signed by the parent organization that the applicant organization is a local non-profit affiliate. See the NIFA Policy Guide for additional information.

  • Exceed the budgetary guidelines: Proposals for planning grants requesting below $25,000 or over $50,000 will not be reviewed. Proposals for CFP requesting under $125,000 per year or over $400,000 will not be reviewed.
  • The following documents are necessary for peer review process:
  1. Evidence/Proof of eligibility.
  2. One-page Abstract/Project Summary
  3. 15-pages Project Narrative
  4. Separate PDFs for Project Summary and Project Narrative. Combining the abstract and the project narrative as one document will result in the application not being reviewed.
  5. Conflict of Interest Form
  6. Current and Pending Form
  7. Data Management Plan (DMP)  
  8. Budget for each year of funding requested plus cumulative budget.
  9. Budget Narrative for federal and matching funds for each year of funding requested.
  10. Matching funds. A dollar-for-dollar is matching is required for CFP and PP applications. Budget and budget narrative to include matching funds. The dollar for-dollar must be secured for all federal funds requested at the time the application is submitted. A written verification of commitments of matching support (a pledge agreement) is not required at time of application submission.
  11. Matching funds must be accurately provided in the R&R Budget and SF-424 forms in the application.
  • Portable Document Format (PDF): All documents and attachments must be in a Portable Document Format (PDF).

  • Be attentive of the due date
    • Late submission represents an automatic decline.
  • Meet the format requirements (page length and PDF format all documents)
  • Complete and submit the following documents:
    • Project Summary and Project Narrative are two separate documents to be submitted
    • Review the SF424 and R&R Budget documents are aligned
    • Understand and submit the Current & Pending and Conflict of Interest documents
    • Submit proof of eligibility
  • Submit to the correct Program Code
  • Review that the budget is within the maximum award amount based on the Program Code
  • Understand and meet the matching requirements

Training & Technical Assistance Provider for CFPCGP 

Available to provide free one-on-one support to CFPCGP applicants and existing grantees.  When preparing to apply to this program, applicants are encouraged to consult the T&TA provider for support free of charge.

Contact T&TA: 
Hours: 9:00 am – 5:00 PM Pacific Time  
Phone: 971-801-8281

Go to Training Assistance for CFPCGP Applicants and Grantees page

Grant Opportunity Page 

Thank you for your interest in the Community Food Projects Competitive Grant Program (CFPCGP). This funding opportunity is closed. At the beginning of each fiscal year, NIFA publishes the for the Upcoming RFA Calendar for all NIFA funding opportunities. This calendar is regularly updated. Use the link below to access a copy of the Request for Application (RFA) and the Technical Assistance Webinar.

Access the Funding Opportunity Page


Program type
Competitive Grant Programs
Grant Program
Page last updated: February 13, 2025

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