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The Tribal College Research Grant Program helps 1994 Land-Grants become centers of scientific inquiry and learning for remote and rural reservation communities. The 1994 Land-Grants often serve as the primary institution of scientific inquiry, knowledge and learning for reservation communities. 

This funding allows them to address the questions that matter to these communities such as protecting reservation forests or monitoring water quality. Projects may help a tribe improve bison herd productivity, discover whether traditional plants can play a role in managing diabetes or control invasive species.

The grant's partnership requirement ensures that other federal and Land-Grant research entities can share resources and knowledge with these, the newest Land-Grants.

In addition, this grant places an emphasis on training students in science.

There are three types of funding available through this grant. New Discovery supports sophisticated scientific inquiry that could be published in a peer-reviewed journal. Capacity level grants allow the 1994 Land-Grant to respond directly to a concern of their reservation. Student Inquiry funding allows a tribal college student to build a research project and present the results under the guidance of a 1994 Land-Grant faculty member. The visiting scholar option allows the federal or Land-Grant partner to spend a sabbatical at the 1994 Land-Grant teach or mentoring to build the tribal college's research capacity. 1994 Land-Grant faculty may also receive a grant to study optimal ways to teach Native American students in sciences as they relate to health, conservation and agriculture.

In addition, there is a special funding initiative that allows these school to develop scientific capacity throughout the entire 1994 Land-Grant system.

Webinars and Listening Sessions

Program Specialists

Program type
Grant Program
Program Specific Resources
November 16 2022 (pdf - 319.35 KB)
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