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Tribal Equity Grants Program

Tribal Equity grants fund formal learning at 1994 Land-Grants. Faculty use the funding to improve their courses, enhance their teaching ability, provide student stipends or invest in new technology to reach more students on remote reservation communities. The 1994 Land-Grants may use Equity to support student recruitment and retention. 

The 1994 Land-Grants use Equity to support faculty who develop classes and degree programs that teach science and math to Native Americans. The programs focus on agriculture, natural resources and human sciences. The faculty strive to graduate students who can achieve their life goals.  Since many 1994 Land-Grants are two-year schools, some students aspire to advanced degrees. 

Other students seek training to begin a vocational career in agriculture.  Still other students want to earn certifications just to improve their daily lives. Faculty have used Equity funding to help build laboratories, conduct remedial courses, create new degree programs in forestry and provide students stipends so they can complete their education. The goal is to graduate empowered students who can embrace their future with new skills and knowledge.

Current Funding Opportunity:

Program Specialists

Program type
Grant Program

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