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Response and Readiness for Hawaiian Communities
Disasters can strike any time, often without notice or warning. Last year, more than 56,000 wildfires across the U.S. devastated 2.6 million acres, including the catastrophic Maui wildfires. With the support of USDA’s National…
NIFA-Funded Scientists Spur Research in Artificial Intelligence with Release of Massive Dataset
To spur research in artificial intelligence (AI) for biodiversity research, a team of scientists funded by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has launched Arboretum, a massive new collection of images with rich…
USDA NIFA Invests $300,000 to Enhance Forest and Rangeland Sustainability (RREA-NNF)
Projects supported by the Renewable Resources Extension Act – National Focus Fund program (RREA-NFF) improve the management of forest and rangeland related resources.
USDA NIFA Invests $2.5 Million in Regional Rural Development Centers (RRDC)
The NIFA Regional Rural Development Centers (RRDCs) play a unique role in USDA's service to rural America.
HSIs Strengthening the Nation’s Workforce
According to the 2022 Census of Agriculture, there were 112,379 Hispanic agricultural producers in the U.S. The 2022 census showed Hispanic producers were younger on average than U.S. producers overall and more likely to be a…
Press Release
USDA Invests Nearly $121M in Specialty Crops Research and Organic Agriculture Production
USDA today announced an investment of nearly $121 million to advance research and Extension activities that aim to solve key challenges facing specialty crop and organic agriculture producers.
Community Food Projects Program Feeding Philadelphia
When Darnell Thomas took a job at Sharing Excess, Philadelphia’s largest food-rescue organization, he was so excited to help people, he came out of retirement. After a successful career running a printing business and an adjacent…
Press Release
USDA Invests $17.6M to Protect the Health and Welfare of Agricultural Animals
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) announced today an investment of $17.6 million in agricultural research that protects the health and welfare of agricultural animals. …
NIFA Invests $5.3M in Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research (BRAG)
The BRAG program supports the development of new information that will assist Federal regulatory agencies in making evidence-based decisions about the effects of genetically engineered organisms on the environment.
NIFA Invests $6.5M in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (A1651)
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics examines the interrelationship of natural resources and the environment with agriculture and rural communities.
NIFA Invests $3.7M in Alfalfa Seed and Alfalfa Forage Systems
The Alfalfa Seed and Alfalfa Forage System Program (ASAFS) supports the development of improved alfalfa forage and seed production systems.
NIFA Announces $3.8M Investment in Veterinary Services Grant Program
NIFA recently announced 25 Veterinary Services Grant Program (VSGP) Awards, including six Education, Extension, and Training (EET) grants and 19 Rural Practice Enhancement (RPE) grants.
NIFA Invests Nearly $10.7 Million for Pests and Beneficial Species in Agricultural Production Systems A1112
The Pests and Beneficial Species in Agricultural Production Systems program area priority aims to advance knowledge of invasive or established plant pests and associated beneficial species.
Best Radicchio Varieties for New England Farmers
Producing a diverse set of high-quality crops is a keystone component to the success and sustainability of many small and medium-sized New Hampshire farms.
NIFA Invests $3.8M in Rural Health and Safety Education Program
Approximately $3.8 million was awarded to 11 Land-grant Universities to support rural health projects for individuals and families.
NIFA Announces $1.2M Investment in Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk (CYFAR) Sustainable Community Projects
The CYFAR mission is to provide resources to the Land-grant University System and the Cooperative Extension System.
Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Participants Report Increased Income, Revenue and Profits
A third of the United States’ 3.4 million farmers are over the age of 65, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service’s Ag Census data. USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture funds the Beginning Farmer and…
Multistate Research Projects Address Avian Influenza
Avian influenza, or “bird flu,” is a contagious viral disease. Currently, there is no treatment, and outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza lead to mass depopulations of poultry flocks, disrupting the poultry industry and…
NIFA Invests $1.9M in Farm Business Management and Benchmarking
The Farm Business Management and Benchmarking (FBMB) Competitive Grants Program provides $1.9M in funds for improving the farm management knowledge and skills.
NIFA Invests $1.35M in BNRE Postdoctoral Fellowships (A1400)
The A1400 BNRE Postdoctoral Fellowship program FY24 provides $1.35M in funding for scholars to advance cutting-edge research in Biological, Natural Resources, and Environmental (BNRE) sciences
NIFA Invests $4.3M in Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases (A1344)
$4.3M funding for research in Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases. Part of AFRI's Foundational and Applied Science Program (FAS).
Empowering Lives: AgrAbility and Farm Boot Camp Programs Amplify Support for Farmers and Veterans
Living with chronic disease is a constant and often unseen struggle for many. Conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, depression, liver disease and bipolar disorder can bring on debilitating symptoms like fatigue, sleeplessness,…
Growers Helping Growers Avoid a Devastating Cranberry Disease
USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) supports four Regional Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Centers, the Northeast, North Central, Southern, and Western.
More than a Market
In 2009, six women shared a vision of providing members of the Savannah, Georgia, community an inclusive place to purchase locally grown food while addressing food access issues.
NIFA Invests $7.4M in Data Science for Food and Agricultural Systems (A1541)
This AFRI program area priority focuses on intersections between data science/artificial intelligence (AI) and agricultural areas.