Division of Animal Systems
Our programs help to ensure a high quality, quantity, and diversity of animal products as components of healthful diets; improve the security, safety, and resilience of the food supply; and improve the competitiveness and sustainability of animal agriculture.
- Support animal disease diagnostics, applied research, regional coordination, and information dissemination
- Determine how to measure well-being in animals, improve methods of care, and monitor animal responses to stressful situations
- Fund research in fertility and other aspects of reproduction, nutrition, and growth in livestock and aquaculture species
- Improve animal nutrition and growth-nutrient utilization
- Provide leadership for all federal aquaculture programs to support a rapidly increasing demand for seafood
- Enhance biosecurity through prevention and monitoring of disease outbreaks and outreach to producers and public
For Director and National Program Leader (NPL) contacts by Institute and Division, please visit the NIFA Institutes page.
For NPL contacts by Program, please visit the NIFA National Program Leaders page.