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The division seeks to provide students with opportunities for careers in agriculture and to improve scientific and agricultural literacy, especially among youth. Our focus is on supporting institutions to increase the number of skilled agricultural scientists and professionals.


  • Provide scholarships to recruit, retain, and train undergraduate and graduate students in agricultural sciences
  • Increase the number and diversity of students who pursue and complete a two- or four-year degree in the food and agricultural sciences or other STEM fields
  • Provide graduate and doctoral-level training programs to students from underrepresented groups to meet the workforce needs in  agriculture and veterinary medicine
  • Increase the capacity of insular area institutions to carry out distance education programs in the food and agricultural sciences
  • Enhance the academic and research training of faculty and students at Alaska Native-serving institutions and Native Hawaiian-serving (ANNH) institutions
  • Manage the allocation of the 1994 Institutions Endowment Fund to eligible tribal land-grant institutions
  • Strengthen the ability of Hispanic-serving institutions to carry out education, applied research, and related community development programs
  • Support the acquisition and improvement of agricultural and food sciences facilities and equipment, including libraries, of 1890 historically black land-grant institutions

Division Resources

For Director and National Program Leader (NPL) contacts by Institute and Division, please visit the NIFA Institutes page.
For NPL contacts by Program, please visit the NIFA National Program Leaders page.

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