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REEport Frequently Asked Questions

On this page, you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the REEport application. If you have questions that are not answered on this page, please reference the REEport User Guide for comprehensive REEport instructions, or email the REEport Help Desk at

Access Questions I Content and Submission Questions I Financial Reporting Questions


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The Research, Extension, and Education Project Online Reporting Tool (REEport) is NIFA’s primary grant reporting application for non-capacity (competitively awarded) projects. Recipients of competitively awarded grant awards and NIFA staff utilize REEport.  Award recipients complete and submit four types of report forms in REEport, including Project Initiation, Progress Report(s), Final Report, and Financial Report(s).

The application collects both technical and financial data related to non-capacity (competitively awarded) projects and allows grantees to report significant accomplishments and impacts of their research, extension, and educational work.  REEport is accessed through the NIFA Reporting Portal and an active user account is required. 

To reset a password, see the instructions in the REEport User Guide or follow these steps:

  1. Go to NIFA Reporting Portal.
  2. At the top of the page, click the “Reset password” link.
  3. Enter the email address that is associated with your account and click the “Send” button. If you cannot remember which email address your account is associated with, please contact the REEport Help Desk at for assistance. In the request, please include your full first and last name, and associated award number.
  4. After clicking the “Send” button, the system will recognize your account and email you a link to reset your password. If you do not receive the email, take these additional steps: 
    •  Check your junk mail and confirm that is not blocked by your email service.
    •  Clear your browser cache and repeat steps 1-4.
  5. Click the reset password link you receive within the email; this will bring you to a page in the NIFA Reporting Portal where you will enter a new password twice.
  6. After your new password is saved, click the log in link at the top of the page you already have open; or type in and save the URL NIFA Reporting Portal for all future logins.
  7. Enter your email address and newly set password, and then click the “Log in” button.

To resolve an onscreen login error or non-receipt of the reset password email, clear your browser’s cache and then attempt to login or reset your password again on the NIFA Reporting Portal log-in screen.  The browser cache can cause issues when logging in and resetting passwords.  If you have not already, use one of the suggested browsers when taking this action: Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. 

Review the additional account and password reset guidance below:

  • Accounts automatically unlock after 15 minutes. You can reset your password as needed once per 24 hours. Also note that a password reset does not override the 15-minute waiting period on a locked account.  
  • When you perform a password reset at, ensure you are using the exact same email address for the reset process and subsequent login. You should see an onscreen message stating that a reset link was successfully sent after entering your email address and clicking the Send button.  
  • If you are not receiving the link, the email may be getting blocked by spam filtering at some level within your organization. You may need to work with your IT department to have emails from unblocked.  

Please contact the REEport Help Desk at for assistance if you have continued login or password reset issues.  

If a particular user must be granted reporting access, then they must be listed as either the Project Director (PD) or Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) on the grant award, or assigned an administrator role by their REEport Site Administrator(s) (NOTE: administrator roles are only available for partner sites - see management site type details below).  

  • To request a PD or AOR change on a grant proposal (grant not yet awarded), contact your NIFA Program Points of Contact.
  • To request a PD or AOR change on an awarded grant, see the instructions and necessary documentation, on page 3 of the NIFA Grant Management FAQs document.  If you have questions on that process, please contact the NIFA Awards Mailbox ( or the NIFA Admin POC that is listed in Block 14 on the Notice of Award (Award Face Sheet). 
  • If you need to access a partner site in REEport as a Site or Financial Administrator, you must contact the REEport Site Administrator(s) at your organization to request access.

There are two types of management sites in REEport, partner sites and independent sites

  • For partner sites, there are administrative roles, including Site Administrator and Financial Administrator; these sites are identified by a prefix in the organization name, such as SAES, EXT, VET, FRST, or 1890. 
  • For independent sites, there are no administrator roles and no prefix in the organization name; only the Project Director (PD) and Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) listed on the award are granted access to complete the required reporting in REEport, and only on that specific award.

When the project initiation is available in REEport, the Project Director (PD) will receive an email notification with the subject: NIFA Grant Proposal - Action Required in REEport.

  • If you did not receive the NIFA Grant Proposal - Action Required in REEport email and NIFA Program staff have indicated that you should have access, contact the REEport Help Desk ( to check on the status.​
  • If you received the NIFA Grant Proposal - Action Required in REEport email and you do not see the Project Initiation in REEport, you are logging in under the incorrect REEport user account. Only the REEport Site Administrator(s) (if applicable), Project Director (PD), and Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) can access the Project Initiation in REEport, and the PD/AOR must log in using the exact email address that is listed on the grant award for them.

In REEport, you will first see your draft Project Initiation in the Draft folder in the Project Initiation module.  After submitting your Project Initiation to NIFA, you will see Draft form(s) for your project in the Progress Report, Financial Report, and Final Report modules.  If you do not see your project in REEport, you may be encountering one of the following issues:

  • Your project is not yet populated in the REEport application; see the additional Project Initiation details in the FAQ above.
  • You have more than one REEport account under different email addresses and you are accessing REEport under the incorrect email address for this project.
  • You have access to more than one REEport site and you are accessing the incorrect REEport site for this project.
  • You are not listed as the Project Director (PD) or Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) on the grant award.  Only the PD and AOR listed on the award, and partner site Site and Financial Administrator(s), may access project reporting in REEport.  See the FAQ above for instructions on how to request REEport access.

If you cannot determine why your project is missing in REEport, please email the REEport Help Desk at for assistance. Include your full name, the email address you are using to login, and the award number that you are trying to access in REEport.

The process to request an email address update is dependent on the role you are assigned in REEport. Please review the separate processes listed below.

Project Director (PD) or Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR):  The PD and/or AOR email address must be updated by the assigned NIFA staff members in the NIFA grants management system (CREEMS).  The information in CREEMS syncs with the REEport application overnight.  Any update made in CREEMS will populate into REEport the next business day. 

  • To request a PD or AOR email address update on a grant proposal (grant not yet awarded), please contact the NIFA Program staff that administer the NIFA grant program.  
  • To request a PD or AOR email address update on an awarded grant, please contact the NIFA Awards Mailbox ( or the NIFA POCs that are listed in Block 14 on the Notice of Award (Award Face Sheet). 

NOTE: If the PD or AOR is being replaced by a new individual, you must submit a PD or AOR change request.  See the instructions on how to update the PD or AOR under the Content and Submission section on this FAQ page.

Site Administrator or Financial Administrator: To request a Site Administrator or Financial Administrator email address update, contact the primary REEport Site Administrator at your organization.

Content and Submission

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In REEport, the PDF available in the View column is a read-only document.  It is not the editable report form.​

​To open the editable form onscreen, you must click on the project Title in the Draft folder.

Some form fields are prepopulated with data from the initial application, and you will not be able to edit these fields. ​If any of these grayed out fields are incorrect, email the REEport Help Desk at In this email communication, please include the proposal number, field name(s), and correct data.​

NOTE:  When the Keywords page is blank in REEport, an onscreen error will prevent you from submitting a Project Initiation to NIFA.  If this page is blank, or any of the keyword(s) are incorrect or missing, email the REEport Help Desk at to request an update.  In this request, please include your updated list of keyword(s) and keyword phrase(s). Examples of words are: Corn, Maize, Bioenergy.  Example of phrases are: Native Plants, Climate Change, Food Safety.

Next to every form field in REEport, you will find Help Text boxes (small blue boxes with a question mark icon) or a "More…" hyperlink. Clicking one of these options will provide onscreen guidance on how to complete that particular field. For more detailed instructions, you may also reference the applicable section in the REEport User Guide. ​

If you find that you still have content related questions after reviewing the help text and User Guide, you should contact NIFA Program Staff that are managing your award or the REEport Help Desk at

If you submitted your Project Initiation, Progress Report, or Final Report in REEport, but it remains in the “Pending Submission” folder – this means that internal review is required at your organization. In this situation, the REEport Site Administrator(s) at your organization are responsible for reviewing your submission and submitting the Project Initiation or Report to NIFA.​

​When submission to NIFA is successful, the project/report will move from the “Draft” folder to the “Active Projects” or "Submitted to NIFA" folder. If you have other submission questions, please contact the REEport Help Desk at

Project Initiations cannot be edited after they are submitted to NIFA and become Active Projects in REEport.  To update a project after submission to NIFA, a Project Change must be submitted in the REEport application.  

The Project Change module has the same form pages/fields as the Project Initiation module, and the data that was entered during the Project Initiation can be edited there.  The instructions on how to submit a Project Change are available in the REEport User Guide. To enter the editable Project Change form, you will click on the project Title in the Project Change module.  After making the edits, you will navigate to the Submit page and click the Submit to NIFA button. 

NIFA maintains a window of 90 days from the original date of submission in which grantees are allowed to update a progress or final report that they have already submitted to NIFA. To update a submitted report, contact the REEport Help Desk ( and request that the submitted progress or final report be returned to draft status for editing. In the email request, clearly state the accession or proposal number of the project and the report type (progress or final). Upon receiving the request, the REEport Help Desk team will return your report to draft status, and you will receive an email confirmation of the action.

After completing and saving the edits, the report must be re-submitted to NIFA in REEport.

If a particular user must be granted reporting access in REEport, then they must be listed as either the PD or AOR on the grant proposal or awarded grant.  This is accomplished through a PD or AOR change.  

  • To request a PD or AOR change on a grant proposal (grant not yet awarded), contact your NIFA Program Points of Contact.
  • To request a PD or AOR change on an awarded grant, see the instructions and necessary documentation, on page 3 of the NIFA Grant Management FAQs document.  If you have questions on that process, please contact the NIFA Awards Mailbox ( or the NIFA Admin POC that is listed in Block 14 on the Notice of Award (Award Face Sheet). 

This type of update must be processed in the NIFA grants management system (CREEMS).  The information in CREEMS feeds into the REEport application.  Any update made in CREEMS will populate into REEport the next business day. 

To request a No-Cost Extension (NCE), you must send the request and required documentation to the NIFA Awards Mailbox (  See the instructions on page 5 of the OGFM Grant Management FAQs document.  If you have questions on that process, please contact the NIFA Awards Mailbox ( or the NIFA Admin POC that is listed in Block 14 on the Notice of Award (Award Face Sheet).  

Please note that you cannot request an extension in REEport nor can you manually extend the project end date in REEport.

Yes, scholarly publications must be submitted to PubAg and digital scientific research data must be submitted to Ag Data Commons. For more detailed information on these requirements, see the Public Access for NIFA-Funded Work site.

Financial Reporting

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When projects are managed by a partner site in REEport, only Site or Financial Administrators may access the Financial Report modules and complete the financial reporting in REEport.  If the modules are grayed out, you do not have access to complete this type of report. 

Please coordinate with your REEport Site and Financial Administrator(s) to ensure they complete the required financial reporting in REEport.

To make additional edits on a Financial Report that was submitted for the current reporting period, you will navigate to the applicable module in REEport (Financial Report or Final Financial Report): 

  1. Select the report Fiscal Year in the dropdown at the top of the screen.
  2. Search for the project by the Accession number
  3. Click on the project Title under the Submitted to NIFA folder. 
  4. Update all applicable report fields and click Save
  5. Navigate back to the module main screen by clicking on the module name in the REEport header row (Financial Report or Final Financial Report). 
  6. Click the Resubmit to NIFA button in the Financial Report module OR Click Resubmit in the Action column in the Final Financial Report module. 

Please note that clicking Save on the report form screen does not resubmit the updated report to NIFA; you must return to the module main screen to perform the resubmit action as described in step 5 above. 

In the Financial Report module, on-screen editing and submission of REEport Financial Reports is locked when the next fiscal year reporting window begins Oct. 1st each year.  Grantees do not have access to complete and submit or make corrections to previous fiscal year REEport Financial Reports within the REEport application. 

If a previous fiscal year report is requested by NIFA staff for award closeout, REEport users may download the CSV template from the Financial Report module, manually fill it out, and email said CSV file(s) to the requesting party.  Please note that we do not have the ability to load the previous year CSV files into the REEport application. 

In the Final Financial Report module in REEport, the “Submit” option is only available after all other required reports for the project have been submitted to NIFA. The projects with no “Submit” link in the “Action” column have additional report(s) due or past due within the system.  

After submitting the other required reports to NIFA in REEport, the system will update and you will see the “Submit” link in the “Action” column.

NOTE: If you are ending your project early by submitting the Final Report before the original project end date, you will not see the option to "Submit" in the Final Financial Report module until the next business day after submitting the Final Report in the Final Report module. 

The Final Financial Report module automatically opens to show the current fiscal year. 

To access the Final Financial Reports for projects that ended in a previous fiscal year, you must select that previous fiscal year on the Track Final Financial Reports for Fiscal Year dropdown at the top of the Final Financial Report module.  After selecting the fiscal year, the page will update and show the reports for projects that ended in the selected fiscal year.

The REEport Financial Report is separate from the SF-425 Federal Financial Report; they are two different reports, with different reporting periods, different due dates, and different submission methods.  The SF-425 is not housed in REEport.

Competitive award grantees must submit the SF-425 Federal Financial Report to the Office of Grants and Financial Management (OGFM) Awards Management Division (AMD); this is due annually based on the start date of the project.  For competitive grants, the SF-425 forms should be emailed as a PDF attachment to All questions related to the SF-425 reports should be directed to the Administrative Contact listed in block 14 of the Notice of Award (Award Face Sheet) or the NIFA Awards mailbox ( 

Page last updated: January 21, 2025

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