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Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

This program area priority within the Agriculture Economics and Rural Communities (AERC) program area examines the interrelationship of natural resources and the environment with agriculture and rural communities. Research projects funded through this priority will advance economic theories, methods, tools, analyses and applications that contribute to understanding an ecological approach to agriculture (including forestry and aquaculture) embracing production and sustainable resource management simultaneously.

Program Area Priority Code – A1651
Program Area Priority Contact – Dr. Robbin Shoemaker
For more information on this RFA ​see AFRI RFA ​pages 60-61.

Previous awardee presentations and other resources:

Presentations of previously funded projects for this Program Area Priority

A presentation of a project on community-level incentives to support farm, forest, and open space land conversation in the rural-urban fringe:Request Lang-Conservation in the Rural-Urban Fringe presentation.

​A presentation of a project on rural to urban water transfers, climate change, and the future of rural agricultural economies in the semi-arid west: Request Rollins Taylor A Comparative Regional Analysis presentation.

​A presentation of a project on tillage dynamics and research on tillage methods and strategies: Request Kurkalova-Tillage Dynamics presentation.


A1654 Abstracts from our CRIS database.

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