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Tribal Colleges Review Process Overview
NIFA's Tribal Colleges Review Process Overview. For assistance with this document, please contact NIFA’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights.
Panel Composition Training Materials
Panel Composition Training Materials. A password is required for training materials. Please contact a member of the EOS for access.
CYFAR 101 - National Outcomes, Logic Model and Common Measures
Planning for effective program evaluation is a critical component of ensuring efficacy of a program. There are numerous steps that are involved in planning a program evaluation, including understanding the needs of your program’s…
Indirect Cost - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
These resources cover frequently asked questions surrounding indirect costs. NIFA award recipients needing additional assistance with indirect costs can email inquiries to .
Division of Family & Consumer Sciences
The Division of Family & Consumer Sciences (DFCS) strengthens families, farms, communities, and the economy by focusing on the human and community dimensions of food and agriculture. Through scientific research and its application;…
Guidance for AFRI Reviewers
Please read the Guidance for AFRI Reviewers for reviews of FY 2021 and FY 2022 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative applications. This document provides insight into the review process and helpful guidelines for AFRI reviewers. …
Limited English Proficiency Training 2020
Limited English Proficiency Training 2020. For assistance with this document, please contact NIFA’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights.
Data Gateway Resource Page
The Data Gateway enables users to find funding data, metrics, and information about research, education, and extension projects that have received grant awards from NIFA.
AFRI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently asked questions about the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI)
Frequently Asked Questions: Grant Management
This document addresses frequently-asked questions regarding payments, enrollment, and financial reporting.
WebNEERS - EFNEP Annual Update/5-Year Plan
This resource provides WebNEERS users with written instructions and training modules for the EFNEP Annual Update/5-Year Plan. Module durations are noted parenthetically. Request the EFNEP 5 Year Plan (2020-2024) Program Priorities…
VMLRP Taxes and 1099G Document
The following information is provided to VMLRP recipients about potential tax liability and Form 1099-G. This resource is meant to be informative in nature, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional tax advice.
REE Reasonable Accommodation Procedures
In accordance with updated regulations found in Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, this P&P outlines the procedures for providing reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities & the new requirement to…
NIFA DOI Indirect Cost Rate Instructions
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has entered into a working relationship with the U.S. Department of the Interior, Interior Business Center (IBC) to issue negotiated indirect cost…
RREA Planning and Reporting Guide FY 2017- 2021
Renewable Resources Extension Act (RREA) Planning and Reporting Guide for FY 2017-2021
NIFA Application Guide Location
Occasionally we receive questions about where to find the NIFA Application Guide that is referred to in our Requests for Applications. Please follow the steps below to access this valuable document that provides additional…
BARD Memorandum of Understanding
In 2013, the U.S. National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD), collectively the Participants, signed a…
Template 1 (Table) - Prior approval for equipment request
This template may be used by capacity grantees to prepare and submit prior approval for equipment requests for their capacity grants. Use of the template is not required - requests may be submitted in any form so long as the item…
Sample Equipment Prior Approval Request
To assist Capacity grantees in preparing prior approval for equipment requests, this sample request, utilizing the template, illustrates a request with adequate levels of detail and information. UPDATED December 3, 2018, to reflect…
Template 3 (letter) - Prior Approval for equipment request
This template may be used by capacity grantees to prepare and submit prior approval for equipment requests for their capacity grants. Use of the template is not required - requests may be submitted in any form so long as the item…
Frequently Asked Questions: Applying for a Grant
This list of FAQs covers questions about eligibility and general submission.
NIFA Policy Guide Comment Resolution Matrix
NIFA posted a draft version of the 2018 guide for public review and comment in June 2018. OGFM reviewed all comments submitted and made edits to the Policy Guide where appropriate. In cases where comments were not addressed in the…
Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP) Examples
This document shows examples of how awards are determined. The examples are intended to illustrate how the length and amount of a VMLRP renewal award is calculated.
McIntire-Stennis Project Proposal Essentials
McIntire-Stennis project proposals may be submitted to NIFA at any time throughout the year. When submitting project proposals to the McIntire-Stennis program you must ensure that it is written in a format that includes all the items…
7 CFR 3417 Final Rule - 1890 and Insular Area Matching Requirements
On May 11, 2018, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) published in the Federal Register a Final Rule making amendments to 7 CFR 3419 – “Matching Funds Requirements for Agricultural Research and Extension Capacity…