There are five phases of this cycle, stakeholder input, portfolio strategic planning, planning implementation, portfolio assessment, and portfolio reporting.
- Stakeholder input involves collecting, analyzing, synthesizing, reporting, archiving and disseminating information from stakeholders regarding current food and agricultural sciences to enable the development of NIFA’s programs that meet national needs — implementation of this phase has not been established. Input gathered will inform portfolio and program planning, along with other sources of information and mandates.
- Portfolio strategic planning involves development of a plan of program actions to support NIFA’s vision, mission, goals and priorities to ensure NIFA goal achievement. Using stakeholder input, portfolio planning inventory and other sources of information, the portfolio team will develop a plan that will be used to guide portfolio implementation and assessment.
- Implementation of the portfolio plan in order to solve national problems will be carried out by the NPLs. Data are collected and analyzed based on indicators, the results will be used to revise the portfolio plan as appropriate. Annually revisit the portfolio quality improvement plan (PQIP) and submit the report to NIFA’s Director by the Assistant Director.
- Portfolio assessment seeks to improve NIFA’s program effectiveness by assessing program achievement of objectives and the extent to which stakeholders’ recommendations are utilized.
- Communication and utilization of portfolio results involves publicizing and utilizing externally assessed portfolio results and recommendations.
Page last updated: April 26, 2024