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Oficina de Igualdad de Oportunidades y Derechos Civiles del NIFA

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NIFA y tu comunidad requieren la asistencia tuya en la identificación de panelistas para asegurar que la revisión por pares en los paneles cuente con la experiencia requerida y a la misma vez que sea los paneles inclusivos,…


NIFA FY 2022 President's Budget Proposal

Discretionary funding totaling $1.96 billion will support high-priority issues, including a $700 million investment in America’s flagship agricultural science competitive grants program. The document describes the funding proposed in…


Language Access Services

As an equal opportunity employer and provider, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture offers interpretation and translation services of its program information and web content free of charge. Please email NIFALanguage…


NIFA FY 2024 President's Budget Proposal

NIFA’s Fiscal Year 2024 President’s Budget submission seeks funding to bolster scientific research in programs that enhance the nation’s resilience and response to climate change through innovative and new approaches.

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