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Social Implications of Food and Agriculture Technologies

The A1642 Social Implications of Food and Agriculture Technologies program area priority within the Agriculture Economics and Rural Communities (AERC) program area supports the examination of the social implications of technology as a form of technology assessment that anticipates the unforeseen and unintended consequences of technological innovation, including cultural, health, welfare, ethical, and environmental impacts. A critical lesson learned from past experiences with the application of scientific discoveries and technological innovations to agricultural production is that public trust in science begins with and requires ongoing transparency and open deliberation. Technologies such as gene drives and genome editing, big data, and autonomous technologies and systems have tremendous capability in shaping the future of agriculture, requiring the scientific community to develop effective means of communicating and engaging with the public. 

Program Area Priority Code – A1642
For more information on this RFA ​see Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Foundational and Applied Science Program (AFRI-FAS) RFA Social Implications of Food and Agriculture Technologies Key Information

Please adhere to the Funding Opportunity Number (FON), program area priority code, and deadline when submitting.

Program Area Priority Contact Dr. Charlotte Tuttle

Page last updated: February 3, 2025

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