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The General Services Administration (GSA)/System for Award Management (SAM) is Experiencing Delays

The General Services Administration (GSA)/System for Award Management (SAM) is experiencing delays processing certain private entity registration information for new registrants, updates to existing entity registrations and annual renewals.

If you are not able to access or complete your NIFA grant application in the Workspace prior to the funding opportunity close date because of issues related to these delays and you are awaiting a response to your pending help desk ticket, then USDA/NIFA will accept your application through the process stated below.

Please note, this process is only valid for the issues noted above and is a one-time occurrence. Accepting the application means the applicant met the application deadline and does not confirm completeness of the application or that the applicant has met the funding opportunity requirements. Please review the Request for Funding (RFA) and the grant application forms within the funding opportunity for further details.

In these circumstances, submissions received via email by 5 pm eastern time on the funding opportunity due date will be considered if ALL of the following is provided in a single email sent to: and the program contact listed in the grant funding opportunity:

  1. A valid copy of the help desk ticket.
    1. help ticket number
    2. Screen shot of the help ticket submitted which includes the nature of the issue.
    3. If you received a reply to your help ticket, please include it in your email submission.
  2. All application forms and other elements required by the applicant per the   NIFA grant funding opportunity in Adobe PDF format.
    1. The funding opportunity package on provides you with the Request for Application (RFA) instructions, grant application forms, the NIFA grant application guide, and other pertinent information.
    2. Download and fill out the applicable forms required for the grant application.

Note: The forms listed in the funding opportunity package are Read Only. Use this list to reference the forms and then go to the forms (R&R Family) library here to download the PDF fillable forms for your application.

Note: See step-by-step instructions below on how to navigate the website to gain the information needed to apply to a NIFA Grant funding opportunity.

Note: If you encounter issues downloading the forms or other elements of the grant funding opportunity, please contact us at

  1. Submit your NIFA grant application forms and all elements via email to and the program contact listed in the grant funding opportunity.
    1. After submitting your application, a NIFA representative will:
      1. Verify the ticket and issue is valid
      2. Inform you the application package has been received  
  2. When your issue is resolved with and you can access your Workspace, please notify NIFA staff at:
  3. NIFA staff will work with you to upload your grant application into the Workspace to facilitate the remaining grant applications steps.

For more information or questions regarding:

  1. Delays GSA/SAM is experiencing or to submit an incident ticket, please go to
  2. Application submission questions email:
  3. Questions related to the program you are applying to email the program contact listed in the funding opportunity.

Step-by-step Instructions

  1. How to search for a grant funding opportunity to download the funding opportunity package and application forms
    1. Go to the “Search Grants” tab on the home page here. screenshot
  1. On the lower left of the page, go to the AGENCY selection box
    1. Select the + next to All Department of Agriculture screenshot

            b. Select the box National Institute of Food and Agriculture [USDA-NIFA] screenshot
  1. Click on the opportunity number link you are applying to screenshot
  1. You will be taken to the view grant opportunity page.
    1. Select Related Documents tab to review and download the RFA and other funding opportunity information.
    2. Select Package to reference ‘read-only’ Adobe PDF application forms. screenshot
  1. On the Package screen, go the Actions column and select Preview. screenshot
  1. Reference the list of mandatory and optional forms required for your application package.
    Note: The forms listed here may be downloaded but ARE NOT Adobe PDF fillable. screenshot
  1. Go to the Forms Tab to download Adobe PDF fillable forms.
    1. Select R&R Family in the drop-down menu or by going to the link here. screenshot
  1. Find and download the forms required for the NIFA grant application that were referenced in the funding opportunity package tab. screenshot
Page last updated: September 14, 2023

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