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AFRI Program Timeline

 This timeline is approximate, subject to change, and intended solely to provide a general sense of the timing for key milestones in the process.

AFRI Program Timeline
September 22, 2023Notice of FY 2024 Program and Timeline Published 
December 15, 2023Deadline for Commodity Boards to submit topics for inclusion in FY2020 AFRI Requests for Applications (RFAs)85 days
December 29, 2023NIFA notifies Commodity Boards of decision to include or not include suggested topics in upcoming RFAs, sends a Co-funding Agreement to Commodity Boards for accepted topics15 days
January 26, 2024Commodity Boards return signed Co-funding Agreement29 days
March 11, 2024Commodity Boards deposit required funds in escrow account14 days
Approximately March 2024AFRI RFAs updated for FY 2024 
VariesGrant Applications Submission DeadlinesAs listed in RFA
VariesDeadline for grant applicants to provide letters of support from Commodity Boards60 days after respective grant application deadline
VariesNIFA informs Commodity Boards of peer panel review and decisions regarding projects they supportedApproximately 21 days after peer panel review of grant applications
VariesCommodity Board transfers funds from escrow account to NIFA Deposit Account5 days after NIFA notification to Commodity Board of peer panel review and decisions regarding proposals they supported
Page last updated: September 22, 2023

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