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REEport Quick Guide: How to Submit a Progress Report

On this page, you will find step-by-step instructions on how to submit a progress report in REEport. For comprehensive REEport instructions, see the REEport User Guide.

How to Submit a Progress Report

  1. Navigate to the NIFA Reporting Portal.    
  2. Enter your email address and password; click the “Login” button.
  3. Click the “REEport” link under the “Active Applications” header.
  4. Upon entering REEport, click the “Progress Report” icon.
  5. Click on the “Progress Report(s) in Draft” folder to view all of the progress reports you have in draft status.
  6. Click the Title of the project to open the editable Progress Report form.
  7. The first page of the Progress Report form is the Cover Page. This page contains non-editable data that is prepopulated from the grant application. If any of these fields are incorrect, email the REEport Help Desk at In this email communication, please include the award or accession number, field name(s), and correct data.
  8. By using the navigation buttons at the top and bottom of the form pages, navigate through the Progress Report form and enter the required data on each page. Save your work periodically.
  9. After entering all required fields, navigate to the last page of the Progress Report form (Submit page).  
  10. If you miss any required fields within the report pages, you will see an on-screen message in RED with instructions and hyperlinks to navigate to the incomplete report pages. After completing all required fields, return to the Submit page.
    • NOTE: Progress Reports cannot be submitted to NIFA more than 90 days before the project anniversary date. REEport will indicate an error in RED if you attempt to submit a Progress Report more than 90 days before the project anniversary date.
  11. On the Submit page, click the “Submit to NIFA” button to send the progress report to NIFA. Please note that the submission process varies slightly based on what type of REEport site your project is assigned to.
    • If your project is assigned to a Partner Site, the Site Administrator(s) control the REEport workflows and may require organizational review before submission to NIFA. If organizational review is required, you will click on the “Submit for Review” button on the “Submit” page and your Site Administrator(s) will be responsible for submitting the Progress Report to NIFA.
  12. Upon successful submission, you will be brought back to the main screen of your Progress Report module where you will see the on-screen message: “Report has been submitted.” You will also receive an email confirmation of the submission with the report attached.
  13. NIFA National Program Leaders have 90 days to review your progress report and assess whether edits or additions are needed. If the reviewing NPL requests changes, you will be notified via email, and the report will be returned to draft status so that you may make changes and resubmit.

Data Content Instructions for Progress Reports

In the Progress Report module, you can search for progress reports by using the search fields or you can expand the folders to view and manage reports for various projects. The “Progress Report(s) in Draft” folder includes the progress report forms in draft status.

NOTE: REEport automatically creates the first year Progress Report form for any project that is in active status. Each subsequent year’s Progress Report form is created upon submission of the previous year’s progress report.  

This applies even if you are late in submitting your reports; i.e. if you are two reporting periods into the project and you have not submitted the required annual progress reports for the first and second reporting periods, REEport will only show the first Progress Report form; the second, third, and fourth Progress Report forms will not be created until you complete and submit each previous report due.

Helpful Hints for Entering Progress Report Data

  • For detailed guidance on specific data fields, use the embedded Help Text by clicking on the small blue icon located next to the field in REEport. Question Mark icon
  • There are character limits on all fields in REEport. For all the large text boxes with a built-in text editor, there is an 8,000-character limit, including spaces.
  • REEport does not accept graphics, charts, or other images pasted into any of the open text boxes.
  • After entering data on a page, you MUST click one of the navigation buttons at the top or bottom of the page to save your work (Previous/Save/Next).  
    • You may also navigate from page to page within a module using the top menu bar (e.g., moving from “Target Audience” to “Products” by clicking those words in the menu bar), but this action will not save your work if you entered new data on the page.

For detailed REEport guidance, see the REEport User Guide.

REEport Help Desk,  


Page last updated: December 21, 2023

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