Program Page | Funding Opportunity
NIFA presented this technical assistance webinar related to the FY 2024 funding opportunity. The webinar focused on the FY 2024 GusNIP Nutrition Incentive Program Request for Applications (RFA), general program guidelines, GusNIP NTAE Center’s Nutrition Incentive Hub free one-on-one support, the required core firm-level and participant-level metrics, and SNAP & NAP Policy.
The GusNIP Nutrition Incentive Program presents the opportunity to bring together stakeholders from various parts of the food and health care systems to foster understanding of how they might improve the health and nutrition status of participating households. NIFA requests applications for the GusNIP Nutrition Incentive Program to support and evaluate projects intended to increase the purchase of fruits and vegetables by providing incentives at the point of purchase among income eligible consumers participating in the USDA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands, in addition to income-eligible consumers participating in the USDA Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP) in Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands.
To request a translated copy of the event slides or other materials, contact Equal Opportunity Specialist Lois Tuttle at (443) 386-9488 or